International scientific publications        06 May 2019        1519         Comments Off on Evaluation of anti-Müller hormone AMH levels in obese women after sleeve gastrectomy

Evaluation of anti-Müller hormone AMH levels in obese women after sleeve gastrectomy


Introduction: The link between obesity epidemic in fertile age and fertility reduction, in relation with BMI increase, has been demonstrated. An inverse proportionality between BMI and anti-Müller hormone (AMH) has been investigated. This hormone is strictly related to ovarian function. It has been demonstrated that it is significantly decreased in obese women.


The aim of this study was evaluation of AMH levels in 53 obesity women with BMI >35, at 3 and 6 months after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Specific evaluation of comorbidities and of gynecological effects of weight loss was also evaluated.


Cohort of 53 women was considered, treated with LSG. A progressive increase of AMH levels after LSG was confirmed, with statistically significant results at followup of 6 months. In these patients, we also observed an improvement in the menstrual cycle and resolution of dysmenorrhea. All considered comorbidities were ameliorated at both followup.


LSG determined a significant increase of AMH level in women, at early followup, with a comprehensive amelioration of gynecological status. Larger cohorts and a better evaluation of ovarian function after LSG will lead to more powerful results of the effect of weight loss on women.

Vincenzo Pilone, Salvatore Tramontano, Michele Renzulli, Angela Monda, Carmen Cutolo, Mafalda Romano & Luigi Schiavo
DOI: 10.1080/9 513 590.2018.1 559 285
Gynecological Endocrinology, Volume 35, 2019

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