Infertile couple: status update on the problem. The structure of infertility in marriage in Russia.
The report will provide with the information regarding the problem of infertile marriage in Russia and the latest tendencies and statistics on this issue.
Married couple complains on being unable to conceive: the plan of actions.
The report will provide with the algorithm of diagnostics and case management of the couple. The doctors will get to know the effective ways of interactions with doctors of other specialties so that to find out and treat the causes of infertility.
Ovarian reserve: prognostic factors.
The report will give the information about the ways of assessment of ovarian reserve and how to interpret the results of analyses. The management of patients with low ovarian reserve who are planning pregnancy.
Endocrine infertility: what aspects are important to the doctor?
The full classification of endocrine infertility. The doctors will get to know the algorithm of management, diagnostics, and treatment of patients with these conditions.
PCOS and infertility: modern standards of diagnostics and case management.
The role of PCOS in the pathogenesis of infertility. Different phenotypes of PCOS, including unusual ones. The full algorithm of diagnostics and treatment of PCOS-related infertility.
Tubo-peritoneal factor of infertility: outpatient care.
The report will provide you with the information regarding the problem of tubo-peritoneal factor of infertility in practice of obstetrician-gynecologist in an out-patient clinic. The algorithm of case management and diagnostics. The indications for surgery and it’s timing.
The dysfunction of endometrial regeneration: the main factor for infertility and miscarriage. The case management. Preparing patients for pregnancy.
The main reason of the dysfunction of endometrial regeneration in patients who suffer from gynecological and endocrinological diseases, infertility and recurrent miscarriage. The structural and functional changes in the endometrium which are considered to be the markers of infertility and high risk of miscarriage. The algorithm of management of patients who want to conceive.
Ultrasound examination of patients with uterine factor of infertility.
US examination of patients with uterine factor of infertility: the detection of gynecological diseases which led to the uterine factor of infertility. The algorithm of uterus US examination at different stages of the menstrual cycle based on the latest international standards (ISUOG, 2015).
Evaluating hemodynamic abnormalities in the uterine arteries. Evaluation the effectiveness of the therapy of the uterine factor of infertility.
The report will provide with the information regarding the types of hemodynamic abnormalities in the uterine arteries. The main reasons underlying the infertility and miscarriage. The ways of treating these conditions and the algorithm of evaluating the effectiveness of the therapy based on the US examination.
Endometriosis and infertility: the algorithm of management of patients who want to conceive.
The role of endometriosis in the pathogenesis of infertility. The algorithm of diagnostics and treatment. The algorithm of management of patients with endometriosis who want to conceive. The indications for conservative treatment and surgery.
Genetic markers of reproductive health. The indications for genetic counseling.
Genetics of reproductive failure. Prevention of possible complications. The indications for genetic counseling of a couple who wants to conceive.
The role of matching in HLA the pathogenesis of infertility and miscarriage.
The report will provide with the information about HLA-antigens and HLA matching. The importance of HLA matching for a couple with infertility and miscarriage. The methods of HLA typing. The indications for the HLA matching test. The ways of interpreting test results. Miscarriages is HLA matching: the algorithm of case management.
The changes in the hemostatic system during gestation. The algorithm of hemostasiological examinations in gynecology and obstetrics.
Thy physiological mechanisms of changes in the hemostatic system during gestation and the role of the hemostasiological abnormalities in the pathogenesis of pregnancy complications. The full algorithm of hemostasiological examinations for early detection and prevention of possible complications.
Inherited and acquired thrombophilia.
The report will give the information regarding the types of thrombophilia which may have negative impact on the woman’s reproductive health. The risk factors of thrombohemorrhagic complications. The scoring system to interpret the individual risk. The algorithm of diagnostics and management of patients who want to conceive. The ways to prevent possible pregnancy complications.
The changes in the hemostatic system in infertile patients and patients with miscarriage: diagnostics and treatment.
The role of abnormalities in the hemostatic system in the pathogenesis of infertility and recurrent miscarriage. The indications for full coagulation testing and counseling by a hematologist. The algorithm of management and treatment of patients with abnormalities in the hemostatic system who want to conceive.
Iron deficiency disorders in practice of obstetrician-gynecologist: treatment and evaluating the risk of complications.
The report will give the information regarding the problem of iron deficiency disorders in practice of obstetrician-gynecologist. Possible risks and pregnancy complications in the patients with these disorders. The doctors will get to know the algorithm of case management, diagnostics, and treatment of patients with these conditions.
Male infertility: Update on diagnostics and treatment.
Male factor infertility. The list of conditions which may result in male infertility. The algorithm of management, diagnostics, and treatment of patients with these conditions.
Surgery as a preparation stage before conceiving a baby.
The indications for surgical treatment and it’s timing. Surgery as a preparatory stage before undergoing IVF treatment.
Pre-conception care of patients with infertility: obstetrician-gynecologist's view.
The peculiarities of pre-conception care of patients with impaired fertility. The ways of treatment of co-existing gynecological problems to improve fertility and prevent possible severe complications.
Pre-conception care of patients with infertility: fertility specialist’s view.
The peculiarities of pre-conception care of patients with impaired fertility from the view of a fertility specialist. The differences of pre-conception care of women undergoing IVF and healthy women. Pre-conception care as a way to maximize the chances for getting pregnant through IVF.
Pre-conception care of patients with infertility: hemostasiologist’s view.
The role of pre-conception care for patients with impaired fertility and hemostasiological abnormalities. Preconception planning and management of patients with abnormalities in the hemostatic system who want to conceive.
Ovulation induction in out-patient department: updated information.
The peculiarities of ovulation induction in the out-patient department. The indications and timing for referring patients to IVF clinics.
When to refer the patients to the fertility clinic? Capacity of modern IVF clinics. Choosing the ART method, indications and contraindications.
The algorithm of management of women with impaired fertility. The indications and timing for referring patients to IVF clinics. Capacity of modern IVF clinics: ART methods for treating different forms of infertility. Recommendations for choosing the ART method based on existing indications and contraindications.
The complications of IVF: management of patients in the out-patient department.
The most common kinds of complications after ART treatment. The latest international and Russian recommendations for preventing, detection and treating these conditions.
The problems of heparin therapy in obstetrics and gynecology.
The aspects of preventing and treating thrombotic complications in obstetrics and gynecology. Indications and contraindications for heparin therapy.
Management of IVF pregnancies: risks and preventive measures.
The algorithm of management of IVF pregnancies. Main risks, possible complications and preventive measures.
The peculiarities of management of pregnancy if a patient had a miscarriage in the anamnesis.
The problem of miscarriage in practice of obstetrician-gynecologist. The main causes of recurrent miscarriage, risk factors. The algorithm of management of the patients with such anamnesis who want to conceive.
Placental abruption/chorial abruption in early pregnancy: expectant management or active management?
The problem of placental abruption/chorial abruption in early pregnancy. Choosing the way of management. The full algorithm of early detection and treatment of these conditions.
Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy: Russian consensus diagnostic criteria.
The problem of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy. The prevalence of gestational diabetes and the ways of detection. Preventive measures. Management of patients with gestational diabetes. Synopsis of the Russian National Congress «Gestational diabetes: diagnostics, treatment, postpartum follow up».
Case study: the mistakes in diagnostics and therapy.
A case study of difficult situations in practice of obstetrician-gynecologist.
12 July 2017
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