International scientific publications        23 April 2018        1345         Comments Off on Fertility preservation for patients with gynecologic malignancies: The Korean Society for Fertility Preservation clinical guidelines

Fertility preservation for patients with gynecologic malignancies: The Korean Society for Fertility Preservation clinical guidelines

Fertility preservation plays a central role in cancer care since an increasingly large number of cancer patients are surviving as a result of improvements in diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

Physicians who take part in the initial diagnosis and management of gynecologic cancer should understand the importance of fertility preservation. Since indications for fertility preservation are limited to early-stage gynecologic cancer, a surgeon must carefully consider each indication. Before performing fertility-sparing surgery, health professionals should compare its oncologic and pregnancy outcomes with those of other standard treatments.

Individualized treatment strategies should be delivered depending on the patient’s situation, and physicians should provide timely information and appropriate counseling.

Sanghoon Lee, 1 Seul Ki Kim, Kyung Joo Hwang, Tak Kim, 1 and Seok Hyun Kim
Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2017 Dec; 44 (4): 175−180. English. Published online Dec 31, 2017.
doi. org/10.5653/cerm.2017.44.4.175

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