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The reproducibility of the novel utilization of five-dimensional ultrasound and power Doppler in the prediction of endometrial receptivity in intracytoplasmic sperm-injected women: a pilot prospective clinical study


The ultimate goal of this study is to reassess the five-dimensional implantation markers and pregnancy predictors on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin injection in the intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryo transfer programs.


A pilot prospective clinical trial.


The Assisted Reproductive Technology Unit of Ain Shams Maternity Teaching Hospital during the period from April 2014 to December 2017.

Patients and methods

The study was conducted on 400 women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Those women were not older than 40 years, with normal uterine cavity and with no previous uterine scars.


The ovarian stimulation protocol, used in this study for all patients, was the long protocol, before ovarian stimulation therapy, patients were instructed to use oral contraceptive pills from day 2 starting in the preceding cycle, then the standard regimen. On the day of hCG administration, 5D transvaginal ultrasound measurements were performed by the same observer after the patients had emptied their bladders. Measurements included endometrial volume and 3D power Doppler parameters, endometrial vascularization index, flow index, and vascularization flow index.


The present study shows that endometrial volume ≥ 5 in the prediction of endometrial receptivity in ICSI patients had good sensitivity and low specificity in a group application; in an individual application it had good predictive negative value and bad predictive positive value.

So it could be used as a good test to exclude success. Overall pregnancy rate was 40.5%; endometrial volume, flow index, vascularization index, and vascularization flow index were significantly lower in the nonpregnant group than those of the pregnant group.

The area under curve in the receiver operating characteristic for three-dimensional ultrasound and power Doppler angiography parameters was statistically significant, but their values were suggestive but not conclusive in the prediction of endometrial receptivity in ICSI patients, no cutoff points with good diagnostic characteristics could be obtained.


Five-dimensional ultrasound and power Doppler angiography is a useful exam to assess the endometrial receptivity in IVF/ICSI and embryo transfer cycles.

M Elsokkary, A BahaaEldin, M Abdelhafez, A Rateb, M Samy, A Eldorf, B A Islam, T A Raafat, I A Gomaa, M Taema, R Mohamed, M Elshourbagy, W Tawfik, A Morad, M Mostafa, A Abbas, T Assar, H Hemeda
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2018 December 19

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