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To freeze or not to freeze: decision regret and satisfaction following elective oocyte cryopreservation

To characterize the degree of decision regret following elective oocyte cryopreservation (EOC) for social indications, and identify factors associated with regret.

Retrospective cohort survey study.

Academic center.

Two hundred one women who underwent EOC for fertility preservation between 2012 and 2016.


Main Outcome Measures
Decision Regret Scale (DRS) score, from 0−100, with a cut-off >25 indicative of moderate to severe regret; and attitudes regarding decision satisfaction.

Median DRS score was 0 (interquartile range 0−15) and the mean was 10 (range 0−90). Thirty-three women (16%) experienced moderate to severe decision regret. Factors associated with decision regret included: number of eggs frozen, perceived adequacy of information prior to EOC, adequacy of emotional support during EOC, and patient-estimated probability of achieving a live birth using their banked eggs.

In a multivariate logistic model, increased perceived adequacy of information (adjusted odds ratio 0.63, 95% confidence interval 0.42−0.97) and patient-estimated probaility of achieving a live birth (adjusted odds ratio 0.80, 95% confidence interval 0.67−0.96) were associated with reduced odds of regret.

One hundred sixty-seven women (88%) reported increased control over reproductive planning following EOC. One hundred eighty-three (89%) affirmed they will be happy they froze eggs, even if they never use them.

The risk of decision regret following EOC is non-negligible. Low number of mature oocytes cryopreserved is a risk factor for increased regret, while perceptions of adequate information and emotional support, and increased patient-estimates of achieving a live birth using banked eggs are associated with reduced risk of regret.

Lauri A. Pasch, Ph. D. Jordan Hastie, B. S. Marcelle I. Cedars, M. D. Heather G. Huddleston, M. D.
Fertility and Sterility, published online May 25, 2018

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