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Use of oral contraceptives for management of acne vulgaris and hirsutism in women of reproductive and late reproductive age

Hormonal contraception in both reproductive and late reproductive age, as well as contraceptive action, is used also for other indications like dysmenorrhoea, menstrual disorders, endometriosis, acne vulgaris, and hirsutism.

Acne vulgaris and hirsutism are important signs related to hyperandrogenaemia and present a serious medical problem for the patients and a challenge for medical doctors in terms of effective treatment. The application of hormonal contraception to treat acne vulgaris and hirsutism requires knowledge of the mechanism of antiandrogenic actions and the possible contraindications and complications.

These data are presented in this review.

Radosław Słopień, Ewa Milewska, Piotr Rynio, Błażej Męczekalski
Menopause Rev 2018; 17(1): 1−4
DOI: 895

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