International scientific publications        10 May 2018        1341         Comments Off on Menopausal hormone therapy: a better and safer future

Menopausal hormone therapy: a better and safer future

Major advances in menopause hormone therapy (MHT) hold promise in the future of better and safer care for women at and after the menopause.

The principal advances are: (1) the critical window or ‘window of opportunity' in the 10 years or so after the menopause, during which the benefits of MHT in healthy women exceed any risks; (2) use of transdermal instead of oral administration of estrogen to reduce the risk of venous thromboembolism; © investigation of the use of oral micronized progesterone (MP) and vaginal MP to prevent endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma without any increased risk of breast cancer and venous thromboembolism in postmenopausal women receiving estrogens; vaginal MP prevents endometrial proliferation in the short term but the long-term effects in MHT remain to be established; (4) investigation into the use of intrauterine levonorgestrel-releasing devices (LNG-IUDs), which are an attractive form of MHT in perimenopausal women, providing contraception and reducing uterine bleeding, although the risk of breast cancer with LNG-IUDs requires clarification.

Women in the future can look forward to a symptom-free menopause and to safer and more beneficial MHT.

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