International scientific publications        13 August 2018        1394         Comments Off on Management of bilateral ectopic pregnancies after ovulation induction using unilateral salpingectomy and Methotrexate for the remaining ectopic with subsequent intrauterine pregnancy

Management of bilateral ectopic pregnancies after ovulation induction using unilateral salpingectomy and Methotrexate for the remaining ectopic with subsequent intrauterine pregnancy

Bilateral ectopic pregnancy is a rare phenomenon which is found with increased frequency when using assisted reproductive technology (ART).

This diagnosis is most often made incidentally and intraoperatively, as ultrasound and serial β-hCG trends have shown poor efficacy for accurate diagnosis. Management of bilateral ectopic pregnancies is most commonly reported using bilateral surgical removal of the ectopic pregnancy (salpingostomy and/or salpingectomy).

We present a case of an ART patient with incidentally found bilateral tubal ectopic pregnancies, where multiple management strategies including medical and surgical techniques were used concurrently which resulted in a subsequent spontaneous intrauterine pregnancy.

While the standard of care is difficult to establish, we recommend individualizing management decisions based on the patient’s reproductive goals and overall risk profile.

Quinton Katler, Lindsey Pflugner, and Anjali Martinez
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 2018
DOI: 539 713

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