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Laparohysteroscopy in female infertility: A diagnostic cum therapeutic tool in Indian setting


To evaluate the role of laparohysteroscopy in female infertility andto study the effect of therapeutic procedures in achieving fertility.

Settings and Design:

Patients with female infertility presenting to outpatient Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology were evaluated over a period of 18 months.

Materials and Methods:

Fifty consenting subjects excluding male factor infertility with normal hormonal profile and no contraindication to laparoscopy were subject to diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

Statistical Analysis Used:



We studied 50 patients comprising of 24 (48%) cases of primary infertility and 26 (52%) patients of secondary infertility. The average age of active married life for 50 patients was between 8 and 9 years. In our study, the most commonly found pathologies were PCOD, endometroisis and tubal blockage. 11 (28.2) patients conceived after laparohysteroscopy followed by artificial reproductive techniques.


This study demonstrates the benefit of laparohysteroscopy for diagnosis and as a therapeutic tool in patients with primary and secondary infertility. We were able to achieve a higher conception rate of 28.2%.

Keywords: Diagnostic cum therapeutic tool, infertility, laprohysteroscopy

Suman Puri, Dinesh Jain, Sandeep Puri, Sandeep Kaushal, and Satjeet Kaur Deol

International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research. 2015 Jan-Apr; 5(1): 46−48.

doi: 10.4103/2229−516X.149 240

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