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Evaluation of Pattern of Infertility Among The Patients of A Selected Infertility Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Background and Objective: To become a biological parent is the long cherished desire of all couples. It is the
pivot for a loving, successful family. The objective of the study is to assess the factors affecting fertility among
the patients attending a selected infertility centre in Dhaka city.
Methods: A descriptive type of cross sectional study was carried out with 160 samples by using non-randomized
purposive sampling technique and data collection was done by a pretested and modified questionnaire. Data
were analyzed by SPSS (version 16).
Results: The study revealed that among the respondents 68.1% was between age group 26−35 years with mean
age 32.38 + 4.884 years. Among them 63.7% completed their graduation and masters, 50.6% had a monthly
family income as BDT 10,000−50,000. Of the respondents 45% was smoker and 66.6% used to take <5−10 sticks
per day. Study also revealed that 38.5%, 37.7%, 24.4% and 4.1% of the respondents haddepression, job stress,
and partner relationship problems respectively. Study also found that hypertension, diabetes, mumps,
undescendent testes was reported by 36.5%, 26.9%, 5.7% and 2% of the respondents respectively. Approximate
28.9%, 44.7%, 21.1% and 5.3% of the respondents experienced tubal, ovarian, uterine and accidental surgery
respectively. Among all the female respondents 91.2%, 26.8%, 12.6% did ovulation induction, IUI, IVF
respectively. Of them 79.1%, 86% and 95% failed to conceive after getting consecutive treatment. Statistical
association was found between satisfactory relationship among couple and less duration of infertility treatment
(p= 0.04).
Conclusion: Infertility has become a global challenge at present time; to overcome the problem mass

awareness has to be created with availability of effective treatment facilities within reach.

Keywords: Infertility, Satisfactory relationship, Induction, IVF

Hossain SM, PhD, Khaliduzzaman SM, MPH, Huq S, MPH , Sharmin UH,
MPH , Eusufzai SZ, MPH, Jamayet NB, M.Sc.Dent,
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)
e-ISSN: 2320-1959.p- ISSN: 2320-1940 Volume 5, Issue 4 Ver. III (Jul. — Aug. 2016), PP 28−32

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