The risk of cervical atypia in oral contraceptive users

Background The interactions of oral contraceptive (OC) use, risk of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and associated cellular atypia are complex. We investigated the association between history of OC-use, and cytological or histopathological abnormalities in a cohort of non-HPV vaccinated originally...
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Study Objective To explore the potential occurrence of long-term side effects and tolerability of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) plus 2 different add-back regimens in adolescent patients with endometriosis Design Follow-up questionnaire sent in 2016 to patients who participated in a drug trial between...
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Fertility preservation plays a central role in cancer care since an increasingly large number of cancer patients are surviving as a result of improvements in diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Physicians who take part in the initial diagnosis and management of gynecologic cancer should understand the...
- Далее -Obstetric and neonatal outcome in women aged 50 years and up: A collaborative, Nordic population-based study

Objectives Childbearing at extremely advanced maternal age is a globally increasing trend, but only a few studies have described the outcomes of these pregnancies. The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of childbearing at age 50 and up in the Nordic countries, as well...
- Далее -2017 update of the European Federation for Colposcopy (EFC) performance standards for the practice of colposcopy

A refinement of quality indicators (QIs) is described whereby the quality of care can be measured across colposcopy services in different countries and healthcare settings. A five-round Delphi process was conducted at successive satellite meetings from 2011 to 2015 of leading European colposcopists...
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The identification of cell-free fetal DNA circulating in maternal blood combined with technologi-cal developments, in particular next-generation sequencing, is enabling the development of safer prenatal diagnosis. While this technology has been widely applied as a highly sensitive screening test for aneuploidy, there has...
- Далее -Laparohysteroscopy in female infertility: A diagnostic cum therapeutic tool in Indian setting

Aims: To evaluate the role of laparohysteroscopy in female infertility andto study the effect of therapeutic procedures in achieving fertility. Settings and Design: Patients with female infertility presenting to outpatient Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology were evaluated over a period of 18...
- Далее -Evaluation of Pattern of Infertility Among The Patients of A Selected Infertility Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Background and Objective: To become a biological parent is the long cherished desire of all couples. It is the pivot for a loving, successful family. The objective of the study is to assess the factors affecting fertility among the patients attending a selected infertility centre in Dhaka...
- Далее -The Prevalence and Causes of Primary Infertility in Iran: A Population-Based Study

Background: Primary infertility is a health issue among women over the world. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and causes of primary infertility based on a population-based study in an urban area of Iran. Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, a total...
- Далее -High Leptin Level Attenuates Embryo Development in Overweight/Obese Infertile Women by Inhibiting Proliferation and Promotes Apoptosis in Granule Cell

Obesity appears to be associated with female reproductive dysfunction and infertility. Women with obesity undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) had poor oocyte quality, decreased embryo development, and poor pregnancy outcome. However, the mechanism linking obesity to poor reproductive outcomes is still unclear. Obesity...
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