International scientific publications        13 August 2019        1312         Comments Off on Epigenetic alterations of the first trimester placenta: insight into preoccupying concerns in assisted reproductive technology

Epigenetic alterations of the first trimester placenta: insight into preoccupying concerns in assisted reproductive technology

Our concerns for the possibility of epigenetic alterations of the developing embryo are recent preoccupations. Yet, the concept of ‘epigenetics' actually dates to 1942. Conrad H. Waddington first coined the term of epigenetics for describing the interactions existing between the genes and their environment (i.e. between the genotype and phenotype) (1). The concept of epigenetics covers all issues related to the interactions existing between the innate and the acquired. Discovering the realm of epigenetics has therefore indicated that all is not genetics, but the integrity of the individual also depends upon the control of gene expression.

Marine Poulain, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Dominique de Ziegler, M.D., Jean Marc Ayoubi, M.D., Ph.D.

Fertility and Sterility, June 2019 Volume 111, Issue 6, Pages 1119−1120


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