Oral dydrogesterone for luteal phase support in fresh in vitro fertilization cycles: a new standard?

Oral dydrogesterone has been used for luteal phase support on an empirical basis since the early days of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Systematic comparisons of oral dydrogesterone with vaginal progesterone, so far considered to be the standard of care, started to appear in the middle...
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Ovarian cancer remains the leading cause of gynecologic cancer death among American women. Prevention is the only proven approach to reduce the incidence of the disease. Oral contraception, tubal ligation, and risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (rrBSO) for high-risk groups are all established risk reduction strategies. This paradigm...
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Bilateral ectopic pregnancy is a rare phenomenon which is found with increased frequency when using assisted reproductive technology (ART). This diagnosis is most often made incidentally and intraoperatively, as ultrasound and serial β-hCG trends have shown poor efficacy for accurate diagnosis. Management of bilateral ectopic...
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Cancer of the endometrium is the most common type of gynecologic cancer in the United States. Vaginal bleeding is the presenting sign in more than 90% of women with endometrial carcinoma. Clinical risk factors for endometrial cancer, including but not limited to age, obesity, use of unopposed estrogen, specific...
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Seventy-five glorious years have passed since estradiol was discovered by Edward Doisy. From discovery in the ovaries to delineation of diverse physiological effects, research on estrogens has covered a lot of ground. Estrogen receptors that mediate estrogenic effects, have been detected not only in reproductive...
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Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects up to 13% women and is associated with significant complications. The quality of evidence supporting the recommendations on treatment of nonreproductive outcomes in PCOS is unknown. Objective To summarize and appraise the methodological quality...
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Fertility preservation in the female poses several challenges due to the invasive nature of the techniques available to achieve it. The guideline aims to bring together the evidence available for the measures for fertility preservation and their outcome. The guideline addresses fertility preservation for medical reasons and...
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Controlled ovarian stimulation (COH) in PCOS is a challenge for fertility expert both ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and oocytes immaturity are the two major complication. Ovarian response to COH vary widely among POCS patients and while some patients are more likely to show resistance to COH, other experienced...
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