International scientific publications        02 November 2018        1473         Comments Off on Complete remission of cerebral endometriosis with dienogest: a case report

Complete remission of cerebral endometriosis with dienogest: a case report

The most recent evidences suggest the use of progesterone mimicking drugs for the treatment of endometriosis. Particularly, dienogest has been largely tested. However, the standard treatment of extra-pelvic endometriosis is debated.

Particularly, cerebral localization of endometriosis is a very rare clinical condition. The surgical approach for such a particular disorder would consist in difficult procedures, thus leading to prefer the medical treatment.

We hereby report the clinical case of a cerebral localization of endometriosis treated with dienogest who experienced a complete remission of the disease.

Paolo Maniglio, Enzo Ricciardi, Federica Meli, Federica Tomao, Michele Peiretti & Donatella Caserta
Journal Gynecological Endocrinology, Volume 34, 2018 — Issue 10

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